The Problem

Partial dislocation of the talus on the tarsal mechanism leads to a path of destruction throughout the body

The talotarsal joint – the most important joint mechanism within the foot

The talotarsal joint not only affects foot function, but as the “foundation joint,” of the up-right, weight bearing human, it dictates the alignment and stability of proximal musculoskeletal structures. Normal talotarsal joint alignment results in a stable structure, whereas mis-alignment creates structural defects.

Partial Talotarsal Joint Dislocation

There are numerous types of dislocation. Dislocation is a disease process and is not normal; it needs to be treated and fixed. Failure to fix this condition leads to other pathologic conditions. Clinical signs of talotarsal joint dislocation include an imbalanced or misaligned hindfoot and the articular facets are not in constant congruent contact.

Clinical Signs of Talotarsal Dislocation

Upon weight bearing , a clinician may notice a medial talar head bulging if a medial-transverse displacement component is present. Many can easily visualize a misalignment of the hindfoot, there are just as many cases where the talotarsal joint dislocation is not clinically visible until gait analysis. Typical gait analysis findings include a prolonged period of pronation into the mid-stance phase, forefoot abduction and calcaneal valgus.

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